Saturday, November 5, 2016

AVENGED SEVENFOLD... Second eye, second album ?

What bring us future?... Second album of Avenged Sevenfold, or just more music. Will this take place already in December? 

Appearance of mysterious image of second eye gave fans hope for something more, which also confirmed M.Shadows.

"The other eye represents a human eye. Basically a nod to Paradigm in that it is half man half machine … I really should have kept my mouth shut about the evolving album. We will have some surprises and fun stuff but this is the main record. There are not two albums… we killed ourself with this one and two would have just been too much. If you go into the evolving record without expectations I think most people will really enjoy it."

What You think, what it will be?

Metal Injection article about this.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Ask Us Anything - Avenged Sevenfold

1. Syn, would you consider re-releasing pinkly smooth's unfortunate snort in the near future?

Synyster Gates: "Indeed I would!"

2. Hey guys! Big fan! I have a few questions I’m hoping you can answer:
  1. What does the other eye represent on the Death Bot image at the bottom of your store page? Is it going to be another album? It looks like there is lighting in it so maybe it’s Voltaic Oceans? I heard Gates say “Voltaic Oceans on December 9th” when you played The Stage live ;)
  2. Are there any hints you can give us about what to expect for your next tour?
  3. Is there any meaning to the patients number in Simulation (666158)? It’s very similar to the number on Zacky’s guitar.
  4. Who is Vlader Lauder? The name comes up in The Stage music video and in Sunny Disposition as well.
  5. One more question, is there any chance you guys can come to Michigan on your next tour? Me and my friends couldn’t make it to your concert this year and we'd love to see one! :D
  1. Voltaic Oceans was made up by Chris Jericho as a smoke screen to throw people off of the album release. The other eye represents a human eye. Basically a nod to Paradigm in that it is half man half machine. Yes, I heard him scream that too... what a dick!
  2. Not really hints, only that we are doing our best to think outside of the box and make it great.
  3. It was the first thing that came to my mind while we were demoing and laughing about the insanity of the part. We tried to recreate in the studio and it just wasn't as cool, so we used the demo vocal.
  4. He's a very very interesting fellow.
  5. Yes, love Michigan.
Thank you!
Synyster Gates : "Sup Dude! 1 Johnny said that so it may be a duet with him and Chris Jericho...fingers crossed! 2 Then next tour will be NEXT level! So excited!! 3 Great question, every nuance is at conception so will see what happens when he's all growds up;) 4 Ask Screamin Demon Girl 5 We shall do our very best. Weren't we just in Grand Rapids?!!"

Brooks Wackerman: "2.b-this tour will be very ground breaking for us with new concepts."
3. Matt, you and I flipped each other off at Sonic Boom last month... Does this mean we are best friends now?
M.Shadows: "did we just become best friends? i think so"
4. M.Shadows: "We just got word what we are losing to Kenny Chesney by 1000 records this week... pretty damn cool that you guys came out this hard and supported a surprise release.. we love you guys and hope to see you all soon."
5.Hi, thanks for the opportunity for my family & I to meet you all this past Saturday at the LA popup shop & LOVE the new album!
Here's my question, What is Roman Sky about? It's a very beautiful song!

M.Shadows: "Giordano Bruno - thanks -M"
6. Are you guys planing on coming to israel one the eu tour ?? we have a group of 8000 crazy a7x fans wating for a performance a group of 75 people from israel is going to see you in wien prepare to see alot of israeli flags
M.Shadows: "no plans but we will try our hardest sounds awesome!"
7. I absolutely love the album, it really is a brilliant piece of work. My question is:
The album is so thematic and theatrical in its delivery. When you guys sit down and start writing something like this, what's the process like for you? I know you came into the album knowing the themes you wanted to address in it, so do you draft lyrics first, or have a sense of them for each song or do you create the instrumentals first?
Also; Brooks drumming on the record is absolutely fantastic. What's it been like working together, and more specifically what has excited the rest of you the most about what he brings to the band? And for Brooks; how has the transition been for you in joining Avenged Sevenfold?
M.Shadows: "Its a very strange process and no two records are alike. This time we utilized a ton of grooves Brooks was bringing to the table. We kept pushing him for more and encouraged him to get weirder and weirder... that really set the table for the energy and allowed us to really concentrate on key changes, chord progressions etc. Also lyrically we were having huge discussions about AI, the election, space exploration etc so it all influences the album. We allowed it to influence us instead of being worried about people "getting it""
Brooks Wackerman: "B-really felt natural.i've never felt this openly creative and we really pushed each other to try and deliver the goods..thx"
8. I've been a fan for 11 years and seen you guys live 3 times. I absolutely love the new album. I have to know though.. Syn you always seem like you're bored when you are up on stage shredding. Why is this?
Synyster Gates: HAHAHAH I love that! Dude, I'm just trying to not fuck up haha! I'll try harder:( "
9. HEY YOU GUYSSSSS. I got a question for you Syn, where'd all your hats go? You still got all them hats?
And as always, thanks to all of you for being the super awesome rockstars you are.
Synyster Gates: "HAHAHA fuck ya just watched the Goonies on the plane the other day.....FUCKING EPIC!!
Still got dem hats! Thank you for being the best fucking fans EVER!!!"
10. Yo! How's it going guys. I've been a big fan my whole life, and I wanted to know, what was your best moment in the studio while recording The Stage?
M.Shadows: "When Neil DeGrasse Tyson emailed us back saying he would be on the record... was awesome. Also having the Fishbone guys join us... just en epic day."
Synyster Gates: "For me, there were many moments where Evil Joe Barresi hooked up some serious mad scientist tones that were so fucking inspiring that you couldn't not come up with a part or texture that made everyone in the studio really fuckin stoked!
Tied with that was watching Brooks lay down the drums. What a fucking mind-blowing and transcendent experience!!"

11. Brooks, what was the hardest/most time consuming song to track?
Brooks Wackerman: "B-the stage..feet pattern was a mind fuck".
12. Apologies for being "that fan" but Iowa is due to see you again. And hopefully at a venue I can meet're hard to meet :(.
My question is: what new song is the hardest to play live? And thank you, Syn for the gypsy got .e into it :)!!

Synyster Gates: "Would love to meet you as well! We've only played one and it's the hardest out of previous records by far but so much gratification when it's nailed live...... I would assume;) You're very welcome I love the genre!!"
13. Was Neutral state a real song / demo ?
M.Shadows: "I heard about this but no... I heard a lot of people enjoyed it though so I hope whoever made it gets credit. -M"
14.Syn! Any updates on a remastered Pinkly Smooth release?
Brooks! Amazing job on the new album, I love every second! Who are your influences, if any?
Matt! My mom says hi.

M.Shadows: "Hi Mom!"
Brooks Wackerman: "thx! terry bozzio,tony williams,gene holgan,mark guillana,the rev"
15. I like the new direction the band is going in many different ways... One being how it seems like you guys want to connect more with the fans recently.
Will you be doing more meet and greets in the near future?

M.Shadows: "We are going to try and get something going on this front... I feel waaaaayyy more comfortable with my voice now so doing meet and greets will be an option..."
Synyster Gates: "Thank you. Ya I think we will! We've really been working on making everything fun for US as well which in turn, really makes you want to do the extra shit when you could just fall into a bottle of whiskey. We are having an amazing time right now and the fans are a huge part of it!!"
16. Hey guys. I've been a fan since Sounding the Seventh Trumpet. 15 years? My god that's a long time.
Also, my first tattoo was a death bat when I was 18.
The new album is amazing. I don't have a question. Just wanted to say thanks for helping me through some of the toughest times in my life.

Synyster Gates: "That means a lot!!! Fuckin lifer!!! Hopefully things are better!!"
17. For the drums on some of the songs like Sunny Disposition and Creating God, did the band ask for funky drums or did you just present them with funky drums? Because they're fucking great.

Brooks Wackerman: " B-the guys learned of my playing on the infectious grooves record ("groove family cyco) so it was in the sprit of my 16 year old self.."
18. My question for Shadows is, it seems on "The Stage" you took a different direction vocally with it. Was this due to a change in your vocal style, or was it due to other outside means. Regardless of reason, I love the album, and am glad to hear some more A7X!
M.Shadows: "I just thought it sounded cooler... the band thought it sounded cooler... we were actually surprised that some people had a problem with it... oh well!"
19. Are you guys going to play Exist live?
M.Shadows: "Id love to so I can take a 7 min break during the show!"
Synyster Gates: "I hope not but probably. Gonna take a sec to learn that one"
20. Any possibility of a "making of" video for The Stage?
M.Shadows: "I saw something about this.. hopefully we release it soon"
21.Brooks: I noticed you incorporated one of The Rev's signature moves "the double ride move" into a few of the songs which is amazing. Do you think you'll implement some more of his style into your own style?
Matt: You came up with Nightmare walking home from a basketball game, and Hail to the King by talking to your son. What other songs have been started or created in weird ways?
Syn: What is your favorite guitar riff, and solo that you've ever written? Mine are the intro to Brompton Cocktail and Victim's 2nd guitar solo.
Great job on the album guys. It took me a couple of listens to fully digest but now I can't stop listening to it. Like Matt said it's definitely a grower.

Brooks Wackerman: "B-I think since my inception into this band jimmy has been part of my DNA.It's inevitable that he will forever influence me with his amazing musicianship."
  1. Wine and Whiskey recommendations?
  2. Also, is anyone in the band /u/Professor_Batz ? They keep alluding to the fact they may be a band member.

Synyster Gates: "Uigeadail but you can't handle it! Somebody's gotta be!"
23. What sing did you all really like that you don't feel got the right amount of attention?
M.Shadows: "Afterlife... radio flop. Maybe it was because of the lame edit... who knows. fans love it but didn't do well outside of that."
24. Thank you for „The Stage“.
I am not by any means a big music-professor or anything, but for my A-levels I „majored“ in musical theory. The harmonical composition, the texture and character of the record are absolutely amazing. To digest your new record I took some beers with me, locked the door and let myself completely go. I have no words for what you accomplished musically with this album. Thank you.
Since I play the guitar, my question is more specific:
The intro of Roman Sky: How did you accomplish that guitar-tone? Is this the clean Sustainiac-Sound or is it the coil-tapped Invader sound? Which amp-settings would you recommend?
I ask because I „rebuilt“ Syn's guitar and I could not really get it sound right for that intro.
That's why I have one more question, since I have to take the chance when I am able to ask you questions directly over the mighty internet:
Would it be possible that you guys would sign my self-made guitar at the show in Berlin in Feb. 2017? 
Thank you very much for everything you have done – You helped me to find myself musically, you inspire me and of course you teached me to never stop working on myself.

M.Shadows: "I hope sg answers this.. I know everything on the album was organic and done with amps and pedals... that roman sky tone was great.. Bring your guitar to the show and we will look out for it"
25. Syn, you're the main reason I decided to pick up a guitar and try to learn. So thank you for that, you really don't know how much that means to me! You've been a huge inspiration to me. This is for all 3 of you guys. Have you guys considered doing a pop up shop in each city to meet and greet fans? Especially here in Atlanta?
Also, thank you guys for simply being badass. I hope one day I am fortunate enough to meet you guys.

Synyster Gates: "Wow what an honor thank you!!
It would be really tough to get to every city honestly but not if we only went to the ATL haha! Seriously though we got a lot on our plate right now to keep the madness going so the focus is on getting this live show better than EVER, as well as a couple fun ideas for the future;)"
26. First and foremost, thank you Matt, Brian and Brooks for taking your time to answer our questions. I've first found out about A7X in 2005 and since then I've followed all your releases, needless to say you never ceased to impress me after every single one. Congratulations for another solid gold record and Welcome to the Family Brooks! Now, the reason why I'm here:
  1. Back in April, you announced the winner of the March Mania contest and teased the new album with a snippet of the demo of "Exist". Before that, however, you played a snippet of a funk-styled song with the lyrics "Baby, pass the gravy!" to set the mood. Was that snippet from an actual song or was just something you put together as a joke?
  2. Who had the idea of projecting the Deathbat on buildings and landmarks all over the world? This sure made people curious and raised questions about a possible album or tour.
  3. The robot's left eye. Many people speculate that it might be an indication of a new release, as the right eye turned out to be the cover art of The Stage. Is there any truth behind the art we see on the left eye?
  4. You mentioned the addition of around seven songs to The Stage via streaming services and other similar media. How can we expect these releases? Will they be gradually added to the album itself or are they going to be separate releases? Will there be a physical release for these songs?
  5. Considering the surprise factor of the release, how do you feel about The Stage debuting at #2 on the Billboard 200?
  6. I heard that one of the heads behind the Call of Duty series attended your Capitol Records rooftop performance. Can we expect any planned songs or scores for future COD titles?
  7. This one's for Brooks. What is your favorite Avenged Sevenfold record (except The Stage) and why?
  8. Last but not least, why did you shut down the official A7X forums? It was a hotspot that united Avenged fans all over the globe to discuss and hype on all things A7X, but the plug was pulled out of the blue, right before the official release of The Stage.
Once again, thank you for taking your time, and thank you for being the legends you are. It's been a long time since I've first listened to Blinded in Chains and got hooked on your music, and I hope to stay on this ride for many more years. Carry on until the wicked end!

Brooks Wackerman: "7.B-white album..some of my favorite songs are on it. thx for the warm welcome"
M.Shadows: "
  1. We made that up on the spot to really worry everyone... instead people actually liked it!!! Whats wrong with you people? hahah
  2. Our manager Larry Jacobson. I thought it would be a waste of time and that no one would see it... I was dead wrong.
  3. I really should have kept my mouth shut about the evolving album. We will have some surprises and fun stuff but this is the main record. There are not two albums... we killed ourself with this one and two would have just been too much. If you go into the evolving record without expectations I think most people will really enjoy it.
  4. The industry is changing and this is our response. Numbers don't matter, quality matters. Our fans have surprised us by picking this up in large quantities so we are honored, but awards and billboard number 1's are the last thing on our mind.
  5. Not sure about the future of that but Treyarch and Activision have become more than business partners, they are dear friends and they showed up to support us.
  6. We tried hard to get an old school styled board up and running but people like to communicate in other ways. I know there are about 20 people that will be pissed, but it took a lot of work and moderating just to keep it running and it wasn't that successful. When the band had down time there was no activity so we just decided to shut it down."

27. Hey guys, this is Lelouch (real name Daniel lol) from the forums. I have few questions... 
1.) What happened with the forum? Is it ever coming back?
2.) Speaking of the forums, did you laugh at stuff we wrote there? Haha.
3.) Congrats on the masterpiece that is "The Stage". Considering how great it is, have you thought about playing the album in full? You don't see bands playing newest albums in full a lot.
4.) When are those 7 songs going to be released and what's with the left eye of the robot?
5.) And finally, I know you are sick of questions like these, but can you PLEASE come to Croatia next year? I have started Avenged Sevenfold Croatia sites with my best friend, and a lot of people want you here.

M.Shadows: "Whats up man? You staying out of trouble? hahaha 1. answered above 2. yes, you are quite a character my man, and I love it 3. Thinking about it, but going to let it settle in first.. maybe a few shows but I feel a tour would be overkill (no pun) 4. Randomly very cool art"
Brooks Wackerman:"5.B-let me talk to our booking agent"
28. Hey guys, I know you probably get a ton of these questions but how much more different is the song writing process without The Rev? I know he was a huge part of past albums, and I know you've probably answered this before but hey, for people like myself who might not have heard it! And also, is there a possibility you have some sort of secret album out there still? Like possibly The Stage is the first part of a double album? wink wink
Synyster Gates: "Thats a great couple of questions.
It's really tough not having The Rev involved in anything we do but certainly when it comes time to write a record it's brutal. We have been there with COE and records before when he use to proclaim "I can't write for A7X, it's not my style" in which many of us replied, "Make it you're fuckin style!" and he responded with Little Piece of Heaven and a host of other of my favorite songs ever so yeah, brutal but we do our best to man up and write records that we hope he'd be proud of!
Is The Stage part of a double album?... Great question!"
M.Shadows: "Its not that much of a difference really. He liked to write on his own. This felt more in line with WTF and City of Evil where he would come in and just do his drum parts. He started writing heavily on the self titled record... so this felt like going back to the very beginning"
29. I have a few questions for Brooks:
  1. Brooks, did you use your mahogany tour drumkit to record the album as well?
  2. What was the first sensation you had while playing your very first gig with Avenged?
  3. What is your favorite song to play live (from Waking the Fallen to Hail to the King)?
  4. What are your main influences on drums/favorite drummers?

Brooks Wackerman: "B-1.YES..2.Euphoria.3..afterlife,unholy confessions,nightmare,bat 4.hx! terry bozzio,tony williams,gene holgan,mark guillana,the rev"


30. Hey A7X!
Who's idea was it to set up deathbot to build up hype for the new album? The new album is better than I could have imagined
M.Shadows: "Zacky came up with the Deathbot idea... I had our programmer who made HTTK deathbat the video game create him.. super fun"
31. Syn - what's it like looking back at times like BATH video when your style was so different to today? Do you do what most of us do seeing an old version of ourselves and think 'oh god...' or do you whip out the eyeshadow for another round?
see you guys in Manchester x

M.Shadows: "hahaha a lot of "Oh God" moments.. but thats life... embrace it!"
32.What songs have you had on repeat lately? I've had Sunny Disposition and Embers by Lamb of God on repeat.
M.Shadows: "St Pablo.... ( dodging stones )"
Synyster Gates: "Nice ones! I usually rock an entire record but the newest Faith No More is unreal and I'm revisiting one of my favs of all time, Deloused in the Comatorium by Mars Volta"
33. Hey guys! I find it awesome that your album deals with similar issues that Westworld is tackling. Do you guys watch Westworld? If so, do you think William is a younger version of the Man in Black!?
M.Shadows: "not going to speculate on the show but I do watch it and love it they should do an acoustic version of one of our songs"
34. Hi guys, what's up !?
Thanks so much for this amazing record, as Matt said in his wonderful note, I sensed that you put all your heart in it and I love it !! I got a few questions, if you may answer to one of them (or more !) it would be awesome !
  1. Zacky told us on Twitter that it will be a great time to be an A7X fan in 2017, can you tell us a bit more ?
  2. For Brian : what's your favorite solo of the album ?
  3. What is to be expected for your upcoming shows ? (setlist, screen animations...)
  4. Will you play Higher on every night just like you did with So Far Away ? #foREVer
  5. For Brooks : welcome to the family, man ! I think you already know that being the successor of The Rev is a tough position and I wanted to tell you that your job in the album is just fantastic ! Keep it up bro !
  6. For Brian : what kind of picks do you use ?
Bye bye guys thank you again !

Synyster Gates: "Thank you very much glad you're enjoying it! 1 Theres so much going on but the main focus will be touring EVERYWHERE we can with a fucked up good live show! 2 For uniqueness, God Damn, for ridiculousness, Sunny D 3 It will be unlike anything you've ever seen. SOOOO excited!! 4 If fans want to hear it!! 6 Jim Dunlop 2.0 Black Thickies;)"
M.Shadows: "
  1. we are still working out details... we just want people to be happy and have fun
  2. Expect different"

35.What do you think your worst song is and why?
What is your favorite song you've ever made?
What happened to the "this is bat country" dvd?

Synyster Gates: "Theres a ton that you wish you could do over but when you here a remixed/mastered record and all of the nostalgia and familiarity is gone, doesn't that suck?! Kinda like that so I just try not to go there
I'm really proud of Exist, Planets, Acid Rain. LPOH is our Bohemian Rhapsody but I can't take credit for any of that one:)
It's complicated haha but we'll look into it
M.Shadows: "hmm too many to name :( Buried Alive Just wasn't good enough to release.. WB has it now Soon"
36.So how did you guys get Neil deGrasse Tyson to be a part of a song?
M.Shadows: "we promised him answers to the cosmos... after he finished we just stared at him with no answers to be given :)"
37.Despite the futuristic direction you guys seem to be going towards.
Could you share a bit on how much religion as a whole, has influenced your music?
Knowing that you guys aren't really religious, I've always found it interesting that your lyrics were written similarly to how religious scripture or ancient mythology are written, especially on some of your older stuff. What compels you to draw influence from these writings? And what is the end goal that people should take away from it?
Heavy question, I know, I tried to find something that hasn't ever or often been asked
Also Brooks: Welcome to the family :)
How you came up with those no snare blast beats on the album, i'll never know, but its bad-ass sounding so keep on doing you!

M,Shadows:"Religion is a touchy subject... On this album I just wanted people to get outside of their comfort zones a bit and put themselves in other peoples shoes. Gain a little perspective. If we have that then we don't need to drop bombs on each other or condemn people that don't believe what we believe. There is a bigger picture. As for the blast beats there is snare in there, but we chose a ghosted snare because we felt it sounded better and didn't take away from what was going on musically. Ive never seen a drummer with the kind of control brooks has... he could play those beats as loud and as soft as we wanted for as long as we needed. It was amazing, but we went ghosted so that it didn't sound like some triggered out of place black metal."
38.Hey guys, it's Giada from A7X Italy! Few questions about the new album: - What can you say about Roman Sky? Why you talk about the sky of Rome and not another city? Biblical things? Apocalypse? (btw is my favourite from the new album, it's perfect!)
  • Higher is one of the most beautiful songs I ever listen to. Is a song dedicated to anyone in particular? Jimmy or Micah maybe?
  • Matt had you wrote all the lyrics all by yourself or Brian helped you?
  • What's your fave song from The Stage?

Brooks Wackerman: "B-higher,paradigm,exist,and goddamn"
M.Shadows: "Hey Giada - hope your well. 1. Answered above 2. No, the album sticks with a theme and this was about a story I had read about a group of space explorers who got killed during their training. 1 man survived and did not know how to live life without his best friends, so I went into space to be closer to them and live out his final days.
3. Most of the lyrics but def a lot of the best lines were written by other guys based off of suggestions they had made.. I show them all of my stuff and we discuss it... 4. Sunny D, Fermi Paradox"
39.Matt, what do you think about your own vocal transition from first to most recent album?
Synyster Gates: "I think I'm the best"
M.Shadows: "crazy - I'm in a spot that I love right now... Ive seen people say its more strained but thats not the case at all... I've gained about 4 notes on the higher part of the scale and couldn't be happier... been training daily for the last 3 years after HTTK and couldn't feel better. Also when singing the lower stuff its in a much healthier spot... its been fun"
40.Hey guys, big Sevenfold fan here! Love all of your stuff and "The Stage" totally blew my mind! I am a singing drummer just like the Rev so he's my biggest idol :) here are my questions:
1) Matt, how did you train your voice to sing like this? I work on that distortion sound but its not that easy.. 2) Brooks, are you out of your mind? The drum parts of every single song on "The Stage" are completely insane!! How did you get this fast with your feet? 3) And to all of you: why don't you ever play songs from "Diamonds in the rough" live? It's an awesome album too and maybe you could think about playing some songs when you come to Europe :) 4) Will there be a Meet&Greet in Germany too in February? Would be one of my biggest dream to talk to you guys. 5) Syn, how do you do the harmonics with your guitar? My friend plays along to your tracks and often with me on the drums and he just wants to know how to sound like this ;)
To get to know your stuff changed my musical way of life and just to try to play stuff from City of Evil made me play so much better and faster that thank a lot for being here and creating such great music! And thanks for Afterlife. It is my favorite song in the world since I heard it the first time. Always gives me the goosebumps. Keep on rocking, guys. Best regards and much love from Germany. Marcus
Brooks Wackerman: "2.B-i just booked a physiatric evaluation. thank you for your kindness.I do exercises(still do)very slow and everything you do on your hands mimic that with your feet."
41.A few questions for Shadows:
  1. Shadows, do you work individually in your vocals or that's discussed with the rest of the band?
  2. Your vocal tone changes instinctively or they're planned according to the song?
  3. When you're writing the lyrics you tend to be more rational or emotional?

M.Shadows: "
  1. we write every single piece of music together.
  2. planned... but sometimes there is only so much you can do.
  3. rational.. but then I'll tun on the music and let myself get lost in the emotion of the music"
42.So, here's a few things I would love to know:
1- Neil's speech at Exist was wrote by him or you guys created it together?
2- Can we expect a The Stage themed game like Hail To The King: Deathbat?
3- And speaking of games, which game would you like to do the soundtrack for?
Thanks ❤️️

M.Shadows: "
  1. We wrote it together.. in fact my wife Val helped immensely with it.
  2. Man, games take a lot of work and time.. maybe hahah
  3. New Zelda
43.Hey Matt, Brian and Brooks!
First off... Guys thank you for the record. It is so, so good. Brooks glad to welcome you to the family, I wasn't able to get in when y'all played white oak in Houston a little while back so hopefully soon I'll be able to see you guys again! I have just a couple short questions anyone can answer.. Thx again!!
  1. Any chance we will here the entire "The Stage" record live? Like what Dream Theater is doing with "The Astonishing"
  2. Will there be a making of video on the album? I love to see the creative processes.
  3. Matt, what is the game you're pumped for this year if it hasn't already come out?
  4. Will there be another game or even DLC for HTTK:D?
  5. This may seem a little odd.. Will there be any other Co-lead vocal songs? Matt I love your voice but the dynamic with jimmy was amazing. I love hearing Brian sing live and just wonder if y'all have ever considered it? I know Jimmy had a unique voice but don't sleep on SYNYSTER GATES!!
Thanks again!!

Synyster Gates: "You're welcome thanks for checkin it out! 1 It will take at least 5 lives to learn how to play the entire thing.......for Johnny so we shall see. Def talking about it! 2 We will have to check the footage but I love seeing that stuff as well 5 PREACH BROTHER!!"
44.Grow your hair out Shadows!
M.Shadows: "why?? then someone will tell me to cut it.. I can't win!!!"
45.How do you guys feel about videos or even articles from some people claiming you are a part of the Illuminati? Does it give you a good laugh when you see it, if someone you haven't, the videos are quite entertaining to watch. P.S. Great work on the new album, after a few listens It really just all sunk in and I have never been more proud of being a fan of yours. You all sure as hell came a long way from where you began and it really shows on this album.
M.Shadows: "I think its hilarious... if someone is from the Illuminati in here can you please contact us?!? why have we not got an invite? hahaha all that stuff is pretty funny"
46.Hey guys I've been a huge fan of A7x since Nightmare and I saw you 3 times (2013, 2014 & 2016) and had the best time of my life.
  1. Who did the screams in Paradigm, is it Matt or Johnny?
  2. How do you plan on releasing the 7 new songs you talked about on the podcast with Chris Jericho? Like all at the same time or one by one? Also, I guess that they will be add after the song "Exist"?
  3. I'm not sure if this is already planned and if you can talk about that but when do you think the next NA tour will take place?
  4. Who would you want to bring with you on tour in the future?
  5. Any chance of a tour with the album "The Stage" being play in full. That would be such an amazing experience.

M.Shadows: "Hey Alex - I did the screams, big boy pants Johnny could never handle that... we make him scream live purely out of punishment for him and the audience. 3. Summer for sure.. and more after 4. My kids for sure"
47.Hi guys! Matt and Brian, why don't you have your personal instagram/twitter accounts?(i mean i know brian has ig but anyway). Actually your new album is perfect, thank you for that!
M.Shadows: "the world is not ready for that..."
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